Hey Steve,

  Be careful what U2 version manual you download.

  For Unidata 6.0 the chapters are duplicated in Using UniQuery (chaps 9 & 10) 
and Developing UniBasic Applications (chaps 12 & 13).

  For UniData 6.1 the chapters (UniBasic Extensions chaps 5 & 6 and Using 
UniQuery chaps 9 & 10) don't repeat and are more helpful than the 6.0 chapters. 
 However IBM changed the way it handled XML.  My suggestion is if your running 
6.0 read 6.1, then go back and read the 6.0 chapters.

  Don't know if the 7.1 docs are any better that 6.1 or if they changed things 

  Good Luck.


-----Original Message-----

Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 08:13:02 -0700
From: "Steve Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [U2] Unidata XML

Hi All -

Does anyone know of a good resource for learning how the U2 XML works?  Is 
it reliable?  I have a new project coming up and this functionality is 
needed, but I haven't found anything real complete on it.


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