I specifically remember being taught
for the 00001 concept.
Before the % was allowed, a shorter form was
which I recall using until % came about.

On that note, I stole "R-10" and "C#10" from UD and offered it to D3
hopefully for their next release.

Mark Johnson

P.S. Many use OCONV(DATE(),"D2/")[7,2] for the month. I think DATE()"DM" is
the shortest way.
Puzzle: Illustrate the simplest way to generate Jan thru Dec.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Glenfield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] OPEN Statement DICT Default

> The same programmer that doesn't read the manual does an....
> EXECUTE instead of a SELECTINDEX, and yes, the index already existed....
> or
> A=STR('0',20-LEN(B)):B
> instead of
> A=FMT(B,'L%20')   or for the Universe Pick/Ideal flavor people in the
> crowd  A= B'L%20'
> or
> instead of
> ----
> And yes, I have observed all of the above recently.
> ;)  Just 15 minutes a week to look through the current manuals to find
> out about a new option that you might not know existed?
> Roger
> Louie Bergsagel wrote:
> > I've never used the null dict indicator. Who ever reads the syntax book
> > unless a command doesn't work?
> >
> > *":)*
> > -- Louie Bergsagel
> >
> >
> > On 5/5/06, Mark Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> To All:
> >>
> >> Was there ever a real requirement on any prior flavor to have the
> >> typically
> >> non-used DICT portion of the OPEN statement be the set of quotes and a
> >> comma.
> >>
> >> I accidentally forgot it in 1978 on a Microdata and it still compiled.
> >> this
> >> day I have not seen a reason for the OPEN "","FILE" null dict indicator
> >> and
> >> have not used it since unless I actually want the DICT level.
> >>
> >> Just wondering.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Mark Johnson
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