Brian Leach wrote:
I ALWAYS teach clients to write all the business logic in server subroutines
first for any client/server or web project - and for precisely this reason.
Debugging any client/server program is difficult and time consuming,
web/multiplexed programs even more so, tracking down where errors occur
(especially if you have different teams for front and back end) is bad news
and there is also the 'hey wow' factor of the front end obscuring
development and testing of the business logic.

I have to agree with you. That's the methodology we've always used here, and it has stood the test of time. Keeping all the business logic on the UV side allows another UV developer to write and test an entire application without having the java application in a working state. If I'm not done with the various servlets and jsp pages, my coworker can write a simple green-screen front end that mimics the I/O that the web application would be doing. Also, if you need to do any text formatting or parsing, this is much easier in UV than java. I recently wrote a method to take a dollar amount stored in a string variable and multiply it by an integer quantity, then return the result as a string. It took 18 lines of code in java where I probably could have done it with 1 line in UV BASIC.

John Hester
System & Network Administrator
Momentum Group Inc.
(949) 833-8886 x623
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