I think Piers Angliss nailed it (once again):

> If ANS is a very long string of numeric characters it will cause this.
> It will pass the pattern match (and the other tests) because 
> each digit is numeric, but as a whole it is not considered a number

I tested it and that will cause the error.
Furthermore, I have had a similar rash of errors lately where a few
users must have asticky keyboard or something. Their ANS gets sometimes
get tested as a file id, & errors out because > 256 character limit.
So this one would be consistent with that.

> Iirc, you had another of these around a year ago but I don't 
> recall the resolution

Yes, it was similar and I believe you solved that one for me, too,
I think it involved numeric strings with spaces in it passing the NUM( )
test, but failing when actually used as a number.   I tried to look it
up on the list archive, but the search is down.  By the way, that bug
was in a sister program to this one.

Let me respond to the other suggestions.
Some overlapped & I think I cover averything here.
And thank-you to those who answered.

> It looks like ANS is user input.
> Any chance there are non-printable chars in there?
< Although I wouldn't expect them to pass through either.
> Maybe your UV version allows one of the above through???
I don't think so.

> We get this error when users enter "1.x" or "1X" or "2B", etc 
> on code like that.
won't pass the MATCHES '0N' test.

> That would be my guess, that the line number isn't right. 
I *think* if source and object line up with VLIST, the line numbers are
Has anyone seen otherwise.


> any includes?
1.  but I think it's clean.
Nested includes and comments at the end of an INCLUDE line have been
known to mess up line numbers.  E.g.:
   INCLUDE  PGMS   ABC.H   ;* this goofs up line counts
But I don't know if that's still true at 10.0.

> what was entered when the message rendered?
don't know.  I caught this after the fact in uv/errlog.

> Only thing I can think of off-hand is that ANS = "+",
> maybe "-", though I'm not sure if UV or various flavors
> consider those values greater than numeric zero.

Nope.  I tested to be sure. They don't pass MATCHES '0N' test.


> fei:
> Aix 5.3.  Uv 10.1.12
> ANS='0+'  or ANS='0++'
> Both will match '0N'.   And ANS is > 0.  And you'll get the 
> non-numeric 
> for the extraction.

YEOW!  I tested this.  and it's ok for me on 10.0.16, HPUX.
Sounds like you've got a bug to report!


> On UD (5.1.27 and 6.0.12) char(0) and char(253) are valid "numbers".

tested.  not a problem here.


Thanks again, everyone.

Chuck Stevenson
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