I'm writing all my business logic using Ruby on Rails.

I've investigated writing a Rails database adapter for UniVerse but it doesn't look like it will be easy.

I don't know UniVerse well (only been using it for a couple of weeks) but from what I see so far, UniVerse is not fully SQL compliant and AFAIK, portions of the SQL that is generated comes from user code (e.g. conditions specified using the LIKE clause) expect the underlying SQL dialect to be somewhat standard.

If UniVerse is SQL92 compatible, then I think it's doable given some time, effort and motivation.

FWIW, I'm using a Java API to create a web service that I can then call from my Rails application.

If it is possible to connect via SOAP directly to Rails, that would be a help. My target environment is a production database that I would not be allowed to create new 'stored procedures' in. I think that the UniVerse SOAP functionality requires writing a new stored procedure in BASIC. So I can't take that route. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

-- G.

On Jun 5, 2006, at 10:02 PM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

Is anyone else interested in Rails?  http://www.rubyonrails.org/

For me, it's fun to play with, but I figured the chances of it ever
talking to UniData were slim to none.  Then again...

Maybe we will see U2 on Rails one day. :)

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