   I have a suggestion... have a users group meeting where people want to
   take a vacation! :-)
   There are beautiful places all over North Carolina from the beaches to
   the  mountains.   Who  wants  to go to New Jersey or Cincinnati in the
   I  moved  away  from Cincinnati to be here in NC.  It is beautiful and
   there are lots of places to see.  If IS will have a User Group meeting
   in  Raleigh  or  Wilmington,  NC, I will donate my time to help put it
   together.  Swim, Fish, take part in a movie... etc.
   Kind regards,
   Patrick Williams
   919 567-0042
   u2ug wrote:

     We need your feedback. I just received this very generous offer
from Nathan Rector (International Spectrum). We need to know who can
attend, sooner the better. For the NJ event, I can commit to chairing
the meeting. We are looking for a board member (past or present) to host
the Ohio event. Both of these events are conditional on our having
attendees. We don't want to waste Nathan's offer on a no-show event. The
best way to respond is to reply to this announcement.

 From Nathan:
    International Spectrum would like to invite the U2 User Group to
host a User Group meeting in Cincinnati, OH on Sept 25th and in New
Jersey, Nov 14th. International Spectrum would like to support the U2
User group by providing a venue and dinner for your meeting.  This
meeting will be on the 1st night of the International Spectrum Regional
Conferences in each of these cities.
     The fee for your members will be $35 for the dinner if they are not
already attending the International Spectrum Conference.  If they have
 and are attending the Conference, then their dinner will be included in
their registration price.

Nathan Rector, President
International Spectrum, Inc

- Charles Barouch, Moderator


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