>    "You   just   need   to   add   UODOTNET.dll  into  the  
> GAC  on  each
>    workstation/system  that  uses  UniObjects.NET.   I'm not 
> sure why IBM
>    don't do this as part of their SDK install..."

I guess because using GAC is a pain in the backside if you want to use
one-click publishing and automatic updates: yes I know you can fiddle about
with the prerequisites. But requiring a separate install into the GAC rather
pushes against the whole 'publish-and-forget' update model, which is one of
the most useful things in .net.

You should be able to quite happily distribute the uodotnet.dll as a copy
local file: that works for me. I've spent too many hours trying to fix
one-click references that have gone wrong.


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