UniVerse Transaction Logging does indeed need to be configured and Enabled
to achieve what you're looking for.  Part of the configuration process
establishes where the Transaction Logging log files are located.  All this
can be done from the "UniAdmin" administration tool which can be installed
from the UniVerse Client CD.

John Appleyard

             "Jef Lee"                                                     
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             .com.au>                                                   To 
             Sent by:                  <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>      
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          cc 
                                       [U2] Transaction Recovery           
             01/08/2006 09:05                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

We have a user who dials in over a modem. They lose the phone connection
in the midst of a database transaction - before the commit or rollback.
I do not understand why, but they find that some records are updated and
some are not. It is not what I would expect, but losing the "client"
like that in a client-server application is not good.

My question is, is there a recovery file somewhere that I can rollback
to prior to the attempted update? If so, what is it called and what
UniObjects call will grab it and roll it back. At this stage UniVerse
transaction logging is not turned on. Should it be? I have looked for
recent files in the user's account folder and the UV account folder but
nothing appears the be useful.

Jef Lee
Software Developer
IT Vision Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 881, Canning Bridge WA 6153
Level 3, Kirin Centre, 15 Ogilvie Road, Applecross, WA Australia 6153
p:  (08) 9315 7000
f:  (08) 9315 7088
w: www.itvision.com.au
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