"QSELECT" builds a SELECTed list of values, which operation is also

 possible with the "SELECT" statement, as noted.

 But the "QSELECT" statement have some options that implies a "Read"

 operation from the "&SAVEDLISTS&" file. It is assumed that, the

 "&SAVEDLISTS&" file being generally a Type 1 or 19 file, a Transaction

 cannot be ensured on this type of file. Subsequently, "QSELECT" is not

 permitted at all.

 If the equivalent of a "QSELECT" satement is to be performed in an

 Transactionnal application, the various steps to be executed would have to

 be explicitly programmed within the Transaction. In that sort of

 "workaround" programming, the programmer and applicative layer instead of

 the database engine are made responsible for application data consistency.

 An enhancement request could be raised toward IBM to allow in transactions
 those of the "QSELECT" syntaxes which are not involving the "&SAVEDLIST&"
 Though, I doubt the UniVerse Basic Run Machine has the ability to
 these syntaxes "on the fly", so the restriction was made to easily secure

 the transaction in all cases.


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