
Six & a half thoughts:

1. You say 1:1 correspondence for ID:PHYS.PALLET.ID,  meaning no
multivalues, right?
I ask about multivalues because if there are repeated identical mv
entries in a record, SELECTINDEX performs differently in PI vs PICK

2. And no null PHYS.PALLET.IDs, right?

3. It is possible to corrupt an index if the primary data file were
copied using an OS-level utility so that the header in the copy still
contains pointers to the index.  for example you CTRL+[mouse right
click] and drag a copy to your sandbox to test with.  To search for all
indexes, in each VOC do:

4. Corruption can occur if there is a VOC pointer to the path of the
type-25 index file itself.  (i.e.,, VOC <2> will look something like
...\I_[datafilename]\INDEX.004).  That allows you to edit or otherwise
manipulate the index valued directly.
For that matter basic's OPENPATH could do the same w/o a VOC reference.

4a.  You might want to ~temporarily~ create such a VOC item so you can
examine the contents of the index just for troubleshooting.

5. If you rebuild the index does it work right at first, then somehow
get corrupted?  Or is it always wrong?

6. TCL SELECT works correctly? only Basic's SELECTINDEX fails?  How
about BSCAN?

Beyond that, maybe you could post an example of where it fails?  (w/o

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