Im in the processes of installing a Resource Management Engine (application
manager) and I needed to know if anyone could add additional information
that I should be also monitoring other than the ones below.

SMM is started. root 131248      1   0 11:39:40  pts/0  0:00 /ud/bin/smm -t
Unirpcd is started  root 221254      1   0 11:39:43  pts/0  0:00
SBCS is started. root 184674      1   0 11:39:44  pts/0  0:00
/ud/bin/sbcs -r
CLEANUPD is started. root 274780      1   0 11:39:47  pts/0  0:00
/ud/bin/cleanupd -m 10 -t 20

Environment: UniData 6.1.17-64 under AIX 5.3

Cheers and TIA,

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