This concept is something that the PICK world needs to look at.
Intersystems Cache deals with Data Objects which is a combination of data
and business logic.  That data object is written once and used everywhere
from a query, from in a program, from a web services, from .Net, java, etc.
This appears to work quite efficiently in Cache although I have not had the
chance to play with it.

I am sure that I am not the only developer out there who has explored this
concept in PICK and thought it would be highly effective if it could be done
efficiently.  Consider Total Price = Qty * Unit Price.  This would be
duplicated in an application from an Enqlish statement to a data entry
program, to report programs to a web client, etc.  Every one duplicating the
reading of Qty and Unit price from the database and writing the calculation
for each application.  Consider now we need to add tax or a customer
discount, that logic would need to be duplicated through every program,
wouldn't it be nice if we just had to change it in one place.  Maybe this is
a future development direction for the IBM folks to consider.


David Jordan
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