Come to think of it...after I generate all three saved lists, is there
a way to combine them into one list?  Can I just rename the files in
the SAVEDLISTS directory to be contiguous filenames?  I'm pretty sure
I can't, but I have to ask.

On 9/25/06, jjuser ud2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi hello how are ya :)

Limits.  The documentation I have for "Using UniQuery" says that you
can only have 120 different "with" fields in a SELECT statement.  I'm
trying to select a series of non-contiguous numbers at random
intervals to generate a select list.  There are 251 of these numbers.
Do I have to split the list into three different groups in order to
generate three different lists that I can do a SAVE.LIST on?  What's
the best way to go about getting these select lists?

When I execute the LIMIT command in UniData, it tells me:

U_MAXFNAME:  File name limit =                       198.
U_NAMESZ:    Record id(key) size =                   126.
U_SELEMAX:   Number of select list =                 10.
U_MAXDATA:   Number of DATA statement =              500.
U_HEADSZ:    HEADER/FOOTER length =                  2120.
U_MAXHASHTYPES:     Number of hash functions =       3.
U_MAXSORT:   Number of sort fields(BY...) in LIST =  20.
U_MAXWITH:   WITH stack size =                       256.
U_MAXWHEN:   WHEN stack size =                       60.
U_MAXCAL:    Number of SUM+AVG+PCT+CAL in LIST =     54.
U_MAXLIST:   Number of attribute names in LIST =     999.
U_LINESZ:    Page width in printing =                272.
U_PARASIZE:  Paragraph name and its parameter size = 256.
U_LPCMD:     System spooler name =                   NT Spooler.
U_MAXPROMPT: Number of prompts allowed in paragraph =      60.
U_FSIZE:     Dictionary field name size =            31.
U_MAXVALUE:  Number of values WHEN can handle =      10240.
U_MAXBYEXPVAL:  Number of values BY.EXP can handle =      10240.
U_SENTLEN:   Maximum sentence length =               9247.
U_PROCBUFSZ:  Proc buffer size =                     4095.
U_NIDES: Maximum number of virtual fields in query=  256.

Thanks! :)
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