U2logic, a Colorado based tools and web developer, is announcing the release
of its newly developed XLr8 Developer for Web programming.  The XLr8
Developer is an Eclipse plug-in and part of U2logic's every growing tools
available for the U2 databases.

U2logic has taken an open source lightweight remote procedure call protocol
called json-rpc and is used to communicate with U2 databases.  The overhead
for this software is minimal so that the communication with U2 database is
anywhere from 30% to 700% faster than prior technology U2logic used from
IBM.  Json-rpc uses open source web server from Apache's Tomcat and can run
on most every hardware and software platform.  Currently, json-rpc is being
ported to Microsoft's .Net platform.

U2logic is calling this middleware U2Weblink. U2Weblink is currently
available in a two user version at no cost and can be downloaded from
www.u2logic.com.  XLr8 Developer is part of XLr8 Editor, XLr8 Installer,
XLr8 Resizer, and XLr8 Object Editor.  These tools are downloaded with the
XLr8 Editor and are currently available at no cost.

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