Dear U2UG,

With our Universe 10.1.16 on Linux, we try to use DB.TOXML/*DBTOXML XML.TODB/*XMLTODB with xmap defn etc....

The tool works correctly except when we have extended chars into the data.
I'm working with french, german and dutch languages stored in the OEM 852 (no multi-byte, no NLS setting)

When datas contain extended chars, we observe two behaviors :

- Universe crash Abnormal termination of UniVerse.
Fault type is 11.  Layer type is BASIC run machine.


- The XML (DBTOXML) or RECORD (XMLTODB) results are "empty" ;
all elements, attributes are correctly populate but the field where exetended chars reside is empty.

Is there someone with experience on it ?

Thanks for any advice.

Manu -------
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