Re. controlling items in hashed files

A few years ago I migrated a UV installation from Solaris to NT and they
wanted to use Visual Source Safe, to conform to their existing standard
for all non-UV s/w.

We kept an entire dictionary as one single source file under VSS
control, with a frontend mechanism for packing/unpacking that file
from/to production (or development, or qa) hashed dictionaries.  I like
that approach, because dictionary items are interrelated with
I-descriptors, phrases, and correlatives referencing other items.  A
programmer would check out the entire dictionary, not just an item.

But we also had the UV frontend put hashed items under VSS individually
(paragraphs, config control items, etc.) they would each be presented to
VSS as a flat file that VSS would control, and VSS would give them back
as flat files, which our frontend would deploy as items in a hashed

I don't recall how we kept track of the kind of thing that it was  when
it was inside VSS.  Naming convention?  1st line in the file?  Whatever
it was, the UV frontend for checkin & checkout did the translating.

I have done the same sort of thing with a UV-friendly frontend to RCS.
As a matter of fact, the VSS interface borrowed from & replaced my usual
RCS interface when they migrated from Solaris to NT.

That must have been 6+ years ago.  I think I remember all that right.

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