>> I have created one BP file containing the main procedure (say 
>> Main)and  another BP file which contains the subroutine (say SUB). I 
>> tried  cataloging the subroutine but couldnot it raised the following 
>> error "Unable to open "BP.O/SUB for cataloging".Also I want to view 
>> all the cataloged files. Can anyone help me in this regard.

>> Thanks
>> Anita

Hallo Anita,

Something that might help the "lingo" a bit

In the U2 environment we talk about a file (being a collection of records)
on a Windows platform that normally equates to a folder and files


In U2 environment
in Windows
        File = BP
Folder = BP 
        With records OR items OR programs (in this case)        with files

In this particular case (if you're on a windows platform) , the BP file was
probably created as a type 19 file and it will be exactly like the "windows"
example above in your folders in windows.

But to get back to your question....

1. if your BP file was created correctly... once you compile the first
program/subroutine.... it will create the BP.O file (this is the file that
contains all the compiled code - only for the BP file)

        -       compile a program e.g BASIC BP MAIN
                                            BASIC BP SUB

2. After you have compiled the program, you must catalog the program, and
this will create an entry in the MD (or VOC) file

        -       catalog a program e.g. CATALOG BP MAIN
                                             CATALOG BP SUB

3. to see all the programs (from the BP file) that was compiled -> SORT BP.O

4. to see all the programs from the BP file that was catalog 'ed -> a bit

        - you must select the MD or VOC with a certain attribute = "BP"

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