... all uppercase is hard to read. Here's why.
Humans don't read by assembling the letters into a word, we read by
recognizing the overall image of the printed word and converting it into
its meaning. Thus, the incredibly random nature of regular conversation
supports this theory. We're used to reading textbooks, letters,
magazines with mixed casing and as such, can develop those recognition

The other thing that makes lower case easier to read than upper case is
that lower case letters have more variability amongst themselves than do
upper case, due to ascenders and descenders (e.g. bdfghijklpqrty). The
more variation between letters, the quicker one's brain can identify
them. (This is obviously a personal preference, perhaps based on how
your brain was imprinted when you first learned to read {code}.) Maybe
this is why some people find proportional fonts easier to read - those
characters vary in width as well as height.

Just a thought,
/Scott Ballinger
Pareto Corporation
Edmonds WA USA
206 713 6006
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