
One can only hope the more "experienced" engineers of the U2 products are
listening.  One "work-around" after another make life more difficult not
less.  In the 21st century a solution would be helpful.

Case sensitivity is a "blight" on the landscape of computing perpetuated by
systems whose history was written by two-fingured typists and engineering
challenged equipment.  Someone mentioned recently the "caps" limitations of
"Prism" terminals, as though typewriters haven't been around since the
beginning of the 20th century and, certainly, noone had ever learned to use
such "contraptions".  :-)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arnold Bosch
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Upper Case and Editors


...I find it annoying having to switch caps-lock all the time - what happens
a lot is that I switch to another window and start typing away merrily, only
to realise after a couple of words that everything is cASE iNVERTED, or that
the help I'm trying to give to a user is not working because of case

As to editing, having become accustomed over the years to the convenience of
full-screen editors, and not initially knowing that it was possible to use a
full-screen editor to edit BPs, it was a nightmare for me to get the
simplest things done in UV.  I think there are many other newbies out there
that feels the same...

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