Greetings all,

Does anyone here know how UniData on Windows sets @LOGNAME. Where/When does
it get set? (UniData 6.1, Windows 2003SE)

We've recently undergone a standards enforcement for NT user ids and many of
my users had their user id changed. When these users use a process that
checks @LOGNAME (from BASIC) to determine who they are their old user id is

I thought perhaps UniData might have stored some trace of the old IDs in the
user's registry but logging on a new machine produces the same result.

I also thought perhaps UniData might cache Windows credentials and forcing a
password change might trigger an update but that didn't help.

I'll try a server reboot after the close of business but if that doesn't
work I'm not sure what to try next. I have considered using
GETENV('USERNAME') to return the ID I'm expecting (which works btw) but that
means changing a slew of programs and I'd prefer not to do that.

Any information on this would be really helpful.

Thank you,

Eric Neu
Zetron, Inc.
eneu at zetron dot com
425.820.6363 x271
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