Hi Keith,

It seems to me this should have been addressed years ago - wasn't the
Spectrum Manfacturers' thing a waste of space?  IBM, holding 2 big
cards at the multivalue game, ought to be taking a lead on this, but
they'll probably leave it to Martin

I haven't been following this thread too carefully but I latched onto the above paragraph, wondering if this was a reference to OpenQM. (I do wish that people would refer to the product, not me. I may lead the technical direction of the product but I'm not alone!).

We already have a READONLY qualifier to OPEN, OPENPATH and OPENSEQ. This mode is also set automatically if the user opens an item to which he does not have write access. The open mode can be confirmed via a mode of the FILEINFO() function. As far as I am aware, these features are not in the U2 products and probably ought to be recommended as enhancements.

Like UV, we return the permission flags via the STATUS statement. I cannot recall seeing this in Unidata but I may be wrong.

I recall that early postings in this thread led to a discussion of the mysteries of the ON ERROR clause to WRITE. This is just about the only place that most applications might find it useful. Those of us who have used UV for many years may recall the wonderful feature of ED where you could do a massive edit to a program, go to file it away and abort with a "disk full" message, losing your edit. If you were really unlucky it had already deleted the old version too! This was fixed by adding an ON ERROR clause to the write so that you stay in the editor while sorting out the problem.

When I teach U2 programming courses, I suggest that the ON ERROR clause is almost useless to most applications. I get very annoyed when I see live applications the have something like
as this message is significantly less informative that what the system would have done without the ON ERROR clause being present. The ON ERROR clause should only be used if you need to stay alive and take some recovery action.

Although disk full situations are becoming mush less of a problem with today's hardware sizes and permissions errors should be resolved long before the application gets this far, I tend to suggest that an ON ERROR on a WRITE has its uses, especially with directory type files. Most of the other places where it can be used are irrelevant as there is little that an application can do to recover sensibly.

What is less obvious to most developers is that ON ERROR might just be useful on a DELETE too as it is technically possible to run out of disk space while deleting a record. (How? Think about a dynamic file where the delete causes a merge that results in overflow).

Martin Phillips
Ladybridge Systems Ltd
17b Coldstream Lane, Hardingstone, Northampton, NN4 6DB
+44-(0)1604-709200 -------
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