> UV ...You could build the ID in the program using SYSTEM(12) and
> PH.ID = 'programname_':FIELD(SYSTEM(12),'.',1):'_':DATE()
> Or
> PH.ID = 'programname_'@TIME:'_':@DATE

Yeahbut, fire off 100 jobs of the same name WITHIN THE SAME SECOND and
look at the games UV plays with the &PH& id!

(Off-topic comment that will get me kicked to u2-community:
So, along with the recent request for a program to trace who called it,
we're asking for programs to be "self-aware": "Who am I?", "Where did I
come from?".  Questions usually reserved for teenagers & the pious, with
the associated sentience meta-pondered by bio-ethicists.
That's an artificially intelligent comment in at least two ways.  
Ok, Mr. Moderator, sir, I'll go quietly...)

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