&PARTFILES& on UV is purely decorative. (Someone _please_ correct me if
that isn't true!)

&PARTFILES& was vital on PI, but maintained on UV solely for backward
compatibility in case guys like us ported some user-grown PI critter
that relied on it.

Perhaps a UV example would help.
FSR is distributed, type27, with 5 partfiles.
The 5 parts are each dynamic hashed, type30.
The 4096 byte OS file called "FSR" is filled with x00 and xFF bytes,
scattered with some pointers to the partfiles.

Part file "/u1/SIMS5/FSR_p5", Part number = 5.
Part file "/u1/SIMS5/FSR_p2", Part number = 2.
Part file "/u1/SIMS5/FSR_p3", Part number = 3.
Part file "/u1/SIMS5/FSR_p4", Part number = 4.
Part file "/u1/SIMS5/FSR_p1", Part number = 1.

0001 F (dist file)
0002 FSR
0003 /software/SIMS5/DICTS/D_FSR
>SH -c "ls -l FSR FSR_p?/*"
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers       4096 Jun 11  2004 FSR
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1091520512 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p1/DATA.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1798778880 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p1/OVER.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1092890624 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p2/DATA.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1799092224 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p2/OVER.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1092229120 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p3/DATA.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1793253376 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p3/OVER.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1092395008 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p4/DATA.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1794936832 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p4/OVER.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1097713664 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p5/DATA.30
-rw-rw-r-- 1 simsprod simsusers 1794174976 Jun 22 11:02 FSR_p5/OVER.30
>SH -c "strings FSR"

I used unix utility "strings" instead of "cat" below because of all the
non-printable characters.
I think I could, should make this file read-only. June 11 2004 was when
I created it.
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