I resemble that comment (Pick Aware 2003).

As a side note:  Early in our test/evaluation, our software vendor
salesperson had said that the database system used by the application was

"Oh Yeah, that sounds familiar. I took some sailing classes in the San
Francisco Bay with a gal that worked at Informix."

So needless to say that I spent about 3 months on the IIUG.org list-serv. I
even hired a "Informix" consultant to help get our Web application hooked up
to our new application software's database via ODBC.

After about 3 hours of mucking about on our system, the consultant reported
back that:
        "In an attempt to assess the Informix installation I looked around
on the machine for the location of the normal Informix tools and
configurations.  I found none of them.  I called Mr. Smith and he ran me
though some of his standard commands and locations that he uses with the
application.  This was when I found a Universe system, which has an Informix
copyright but I was unfamiliar with the product.  I made several phone calls
and did some investigations and got understand the basis of the product.
        Universe is a tool acquired when Informix obtained (I believe)
DataStage from a third party.  Universe is its own database system based
upon the Pick Database system.  Universe is a flat file pseudo relational
database system but allows multi-values within fields.  Universe does allow
ODBC and JDBC connections but certain field types require some translation
to be correctly transferred.  Universe does not follow any of the standard
Informix conventions and does not use the same configuration files and
Charles McMurray should seek out a Universe Consultant to help with their
ODBC problem.  IBM did acquire all the rights to Universe with the purchase
of Informix and does state that it supports Universe."

So I say to myself what the heck is Universe? So what is a newbie to do?
But, Google it - which leads to some guy Cliff Olivier and sites in
I get in touch with Janet Oswald and some of her group. And finally I found
this fledging users group u2ug.org that was just getting going and the rest
is history. About one month later I got hooked up with a group out of Los
Angeles [AdvancedWare] that saved the day, in getting us technical
training(Unix, MV, Universe, DICT, I-desc...., getting the ODBC hooked up,

About a year later after numerous pleadings, demands, etc .., we got
technical training on our Eclipse Enterpise Software application. Those
Intuit-Eclipse software developers think they are guarding the Crown Jewels
(or are southern border patrol .. I got in anyway .. Amigos). They are more
of an impedment than help. It is a great system they wrote and works really
well. But, since it was originally written by some hackers in a garage, I
guess they do not have any documentation on the system (dig.. Dig...  prove
my wrong Denver Dudes). 

Ok so now I have about 4 years on U2 and still trying to get to know the
difference in LOCATE x in MV    vs   LOCATE x in MV<1,1> returns what?
I think I have figured out how to read an product item that is on backorder
from the convoluted MV design on the order entry system.

-------- Probably this is the same path followed by many U2  newbies.  -- I
hope not ----

Garry L. Smith
Dir Info Systems
Charles McMurray Company
V# 559-292-5782   F# 559-346-6169

-----Original Message-----
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] On Behalf Of Charles Barouch
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 10:03 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] [AD] UniVerse Programmer needed in New Jersey

   Actually, I train new programmers. The problem is that most new people
don;t know there's a community, so we don't meet them. There's actually a
lot of new blood. We just have to find them and invite them inside.

    - Chuck

Ron Hutchings wrote:
>    Has anyone actually run across someone with only 1-5 years experience?
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