  That's one for Accuterm - Accuterm supports connectivity to U2 rather than
  Try using Dynamic Connect - if that works then the problem is with the
Accuterm software, possibly with the DL software version included in this
  If DC does not work on a straight telnet outside SSH and you have a valid
database license for DL then either you have a (very old) version; the
version of DC is out of step with the database; or you have something else
getting in the way..... 
  Device Licensing exchanges tokens between client and server using
credentials obtained from the client (see SYSTEM(51)). If this information
is being denied or trashed in some way then that would explain it to some
  If DC works direct and not via SSH compare SYSTEM(51) between the two. I
have assumed that you are using the correct DL shell if you are on Unix
.......... "uv", "uvsh" and "udt" will not cut it.
  If however DC does not work within SSH - and it *does* work outside SSH
then you have an issue with something SSH is doing. This may not be an easy
one to resolve.
  Of course there is always SSL (included with the U2 clients and int he
databases), Default port 992 I recall.
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