Is it just feed-mode  that doesn't work, or tandem in general?
If the latter, it be a matter of permissions on the binary executable.

On unix, tandem itself won't let non-administrators proceed, even if there are 
execution rights for group or other.

On QA/Dev we use the sticky bit to let any ol' developer in, executing as root:

   $ls -l $UVHOME/bin/tandem
   -rwsr-x--x  1 root  other  2752512 Jul 29  2003 /dbms/uv/bin/tandem 
On production we have it configured as IBM delivers it (admin only):

   $ls -l $UVHOME/bin/tandem
   -rwxr-x--x  1 root  other  2752512 Jul 29  2003 /dbms/uv/bin/tandem
Once permissions are ok,  the Poke-like "<esc>F" feed mode works for me, with a 
couple caveats should the targeted process dive into another unix shell.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marcos Fogaga

Somebody knows how do I do a POKE command on Universe?
I used the POKE command with pick/D3 and I need to use now with UV.
I tried the TANDEM using feed mode, but did not work.
By the way, with D3 POKE command we can write from a line into input buffer of 
the another line.
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