Speaking of User Groups...

If you're in the Northwest, you definitely want to attend the next SAPUG -
Seattle Area Pick User Group meeting next Thursday September 20th. We're
going to hear details about the most ambitious UV project I know of from
Steve Ritchie of Market America:

Join Steve Ritchie, VP of R/D and founding member of Market America to hear
about how Universe is being in numerous unique ways to run their company as
well as their growth financially and the steady buildup of their IT
department. Steve will talk about challenges with rolling out a truly
massive UniVerse project and about how the power of UniVerse has helped
propel Market America to a billion dollar company in 5 countries.

This is the project that elicited gasps at the "U2UG Meeting" at last year's
Cincinnati Spectrum show.

Our afternoon session will feature a technology preview from MITS looking at
some of the technology underlying the advanced features in the next releases
of MITS Discover and MITS Report.  Special thanks to MITS for making their
expertise available and underwriting this meeting.

For details, see http://www.sapug.org and make sure to RSVP soon.

Thanks, Ross
VP Events - SAPUG
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