> What is the fastest and lowest cpu overhead method of 
> transferring data between U2/MV databases, and other data sources?

Our esteemed colleague and moderator Chuck Barouch has/had a product called
Zeus which does/did transfers like this.  If he can avoid self-censorship
for a moment I would invite him to respond to this inquiry with his own
experience in this area.

As time permits I have been writing demos to show an MV DBMS populating SQL
Server.  As I said in another post today, the communications pipe is
unimportant as is the DBMS.  The same demo can be used for any MV DBMS and
for any RDBMS, all someone needs to do is change the SQL query or stored
procedure, and match the RDBMS fields to fields retrieved from the MV side.
It comes down to a simple bit of X-to-Y mapping of fields and ensuring data
types are properly managed.  I'm sorry that I do not yet have a video of
this on our website but I did show this demo and others along with code in
my recent presentation to SAPUG.

Maybe I can kick off a discussion of numbers:
Without any optimization and on an over-burdened 2GHz laptop I'm getting
about 200 records per second extracted from MV and Inserted into SQL
Server.  SQL Updates on the same data is roughly about 1/2 that.  Amongst
other business responsibilities I'm trying to find time to optimize the
queries on both sides and run on a system which is more likely to generate
production-quality numbers.  I have a 3GHz dual core Athlon that should
yield some good numbers soon.  I'd appreciate it if someone else can
provide some other realistic numbers so that I have a goal for

As a low-priority development project, and driven by common requests we
find here, we have a package which moves data from any MV environment to
any RDBMS.  It allows for construction of a query string for about 15
different relational sources and that X/Y mapping of fields and data types.
I wish this were further along so that I could provide some numbers about
transfers from U2 to Excel, QM to Oracle, D3 to DB2, Reality to Interbase,
etc.  I would welcome discussion with someone who can help to drive this

If that's too subtle, and at the risk of soliciting, we can't proactively
develop tools like this unless we get financing, and you only get people to
fund projects if you ask.  That's not an ad, it's a fact of business.  More
solutions would be available for common problems if this community were
more willing to match supply/talent with the demand of ongoing business
needs.  As it is, for years we continue to see the same data transfer
problems presented every week as though it's the first time someone is
asking the question.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ removethisNebula-RnD.com

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