Of course, UniData just has to be different.
1. 'MCP' doesn't convert system delimiters
2. 'MCP' converts to a '~' not a '.'

The @VM does work to stack commands - so 'G':@VM:'1' won't work in UD
either (although the rest of the system delimiters work). Also, because
UD applies the OCONV across all values in an array you can't even cheat
and use T1,3 (even assuming you know the length of the text). 

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: Stevenson, Charles

is the exact answer your exact question of what can replace 'WHATEVER'
in your code.

The complete code becomes
   VAR1 = 'SAM':@VM:'TRUDY'
   CRT OCONV(VAR1,'MCP':@VM:'G.1')

This answer will work as long as there aren't any real periods in VAR1.

In the 2nd argument, you can stack successively executed conversion
codes separated by value marks.  Each acts on the output of the previous
So above, the first conversion, "MCP", changes thevalue mark to a
period.  The second, "G.1" extracts the 1st group deliminated by

This also explains why 
   OCONV(VAR1, 'G':@VM:'1')
doesn't work.
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