Thanks for putting up the right link, Thomas.  (dammit, I must measure
BEFORE cutting...  measure BEFORE cutting... hit self)

To answer Ed's questions,

1. "nap 5" sleeps for 5 milliseconds. It may not be necessary, so you
could comment it out and see how that goes.  If you do get comm. delay
that causes a problem and don't have nap, try a time-wasting loop - not
a "sleep" command.  I tried "sleep" years ago and it is frustrating.  A
nap of up to 100 milliseconds is almost unnoticeable in practice.

2. KEYIN() on Universe seems to be exactly the same as IN() on UniData.

Regards, Keith

PS Here's a silly program showing NAP

001: Crt "Bang!":
002: For I = 10 To  @CrtWide-20
003:   Crt '.':
004:   Nap 10
005: Next
006: Crt "Ouch!"
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