2GB is the max for a static file. Dynamic should break it up so no part is
bigger than 2GB.

Only 2 more ideas:
1. is it a PE version - the file size is limited
2. Do you have @udthome in the VOC item for the dynamic file (if so update
it to the correct path - it doesn't seem to like it).

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Scholl

Thanks, there is a hint:

U_open_large_file_error in U_openfile of file 'SEND.LOG' key='', number = 0

I have plenty of those errors and then one:
Unable to receive successful start message from SMM

I ran Guide on the SEND.LOG file and it didn't find errors but the file, it
is a dynamic file, is 2GB big. Maybe it is time to purge.
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