Kevin King wrote on 01/30/2008 10:35:24 PM:

> Am I losing my mind

Could be, but don't worry.  I lost mine a long time ago and have not really
missed it.

> or has Unidata's DOM and XML support been designed to
> win awards for being ridiculously impossible?  In the past four extremely
> frustrating hours, I've encountered:

I spent the better part of two days and encountered some of the same
problems that you did.  Eventually, I tried the XMLDB Tool and within a few
minutes I had created the necessary map file and was importing/exporting
data from within a Unibasic program.

I don't remember where I found the XML.H and XMLTOOL.H files, but if you
would like, I can email them to you.  They might be the same ones that you
found, but it won't hurt to check.
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