Womack, Adrian skrev:
Does anyone else think it's bad practice to have code in INCLUDES?
I do !    Warning this is a classical religious war issue!

Surely it would be much better to have the INITIATE.FEEDBACK &
GIVE.FEEDBACK routines written as subroutines, and then simply call them
from the appropriate spots.

If the code in either of those routines needs to be changed, you'll need
to also recompile all the programs using the include. But as subroutines
all you need to do is recompile the subroutine in question.

And what's worse: Every time you add a variable in the include you must
search all routines that use the include to check that they do not use that name ..
unless you have a rigid naming convention to prevent such name reuse.
Although, INCLUDES are fantastic for things like common & equate

Well - the same argument applies here, but the naming convention
often comes quite naturally - at least  in my experience.

-- mats
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