Bill... I never meant to imply that a) I was offended, b) that I'm somehow
any better than anyone else on this list, or c) that I'm a slow typist.  I
actually went through typing in high school (a most traumatic story) and got
reasonably good at touch typing in college until an accident left me without
use of my right arm/hand for several weeks.  And what language was I fully
ensconced in at the time?  COBOL!  Can you believe it, I had to type
something like 4000 lines of COBOL with my left hand only.  Since then my
right hand has been effectively useless for typing (with the exception of my
thumb) but for some reason I can still whip out the letters - as long as I
don't have to shift! :-)

Understanding that this is largely a moot/preference issue, and without the
pretense of "better" (in terms of personnel) I would still be interested in
some kind of fun challenge to better understand others' perspectives on this
issue.  We might not actually achieve anything but the consumption of
copious volumes of cold beverages, but even if that's all there is to it,
there's still entertainment value there!

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