I have a very simple file-TESTS, which only has 4 fields:  @ID field, F1, F2
and F3. F1 is a single value field, F2 is a multi-value field and the value
is one value-mark-separated list, F3 is a single value field. It has the
following sample record in the file:

Field Name          Value
@ID                   t101
F1                     F1V1
F2                     F2V1:@VM:F2V2
F3                     F3V1

I use the following UniObject for Java code segment to retrieve the record
"t101" from the file:

//uSession is a UniSession Oject       

//Open a file variable to TESTS file.
 UniFile testFile = uSession.open("TESTS");
//Read the record out 
String key = "t101";
UniStirng uString = personFile.read(key);
System.out.println(bthe full record:b+uString);
System.out.println(bthe number of fields in the file:b+uString.dcount());

When I print out the contents of the record, it looks like UOJ converts all
the value marks at the field F2 into the field mark.  When I use dcount()
function to count the number of fields in the output, it returns 5, instead
of 4.  I think the correct result should be 4 since only 4 fields (@ID
field, F1, F2 and F3) in the file. It seems that read() function converts
all the value-marks into the field-marks. So the values at the field-F2:
F2V1:@VM:F2V2 becomes F2:@FM:F2V2. That is why I got 5 instead of 4 when we
use dcount() to count the number of fields in the output. 

We are running Unidata 7.1 in Red hat Linux server.  I already set the
environment variable LANG to bCb. I even tried to set LANG to ben_USb. Both
times, the UOJ program returned the same result.

Does anyone know how this happens? I want to keep the original value-marks
and field-marks after using read() function. Please advice. 

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