Bob; UniData doesn't use "Q" pointers. You simply put the path to the file in <2> and the path to the dictionary in <3>. This way you can have the file and the dictionary in the local subdirectory or a different one as well as mix and match. You can use @ variables in the path (unless you are compiling items) and even full unc paths.
<1> is "F" if it's a file (static or dynamic) or DIR if it's a directory file. So your example may be: 001 DIR 002 \\olsin\iswin250 003 D_VOC or 001 F 002 @udthome\olsin\iswin250 003 D_iswin250 etc UniData also has a SETFILE verb to help you build the VOC entries: :SETFILEEnter treename = \UNIDATA\DEMO\CLIENTS --> I enteredEnter filename = QFILE --> I enteredEstablish the file pointerTree name \UNIDATA\DEMO\CLIENTSVoc name QFILEDictionary name \UNIDATA\DEMO\D_CLIENTSOk to establish pointer(Y/N) = YSETFILE completed.:CT VOC QFILEVOC: QFILE:F\UNIDATA\DEMO\CLIENTS\UNIDATA\DEMO\D_CLIENTS hth Colin Alfke Calgary, Canada> From: Bob Boyles> > I am having an issue trying to get a q-pointer to work on Unidata.> > 001 Q> 002> 003 \\olsin\iswin250\ <file:///\\olsin\iswin250\>> > I'm getting an error message that says> > "BOB.TEST is not a desire record in VOC file."> > Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?> > Thanks,> > Bob Boyles _________________________________________________________________ ------- u2-users mailing list To unsubscribe please visit