
Firstly I doubt the trigger on one system will spot changes made by the other 

But, rather more seriously, we have had UV file corruption which was laid 
pretty conclusively down to two systems accessing the same dynamic file - oh 
and one of them, allegedly, only had read access!

If you're doing this, I'd say the first rule is DON'T use dynamic files. 
Preferably use a type 1 file. And only use the file as a staging post.

Even then, don't expect it to work all the time, every time.

If you control the third system, look at firewalling the UV ports and using 
port forwarding - with a bit of effort you should be able to get the first two 
systems to network transparently.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of George Gallen
Sent: 23 October 2008 22:05
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: [U2] Triggers on a NFS file?

If I have a NFS mounted directory (on a third non-UV system) which houses a UV
format file.

I have (2) linux system that have that directory mounted, which each have UV
   that have a VOC pointer to that file. <1>F , <2> /mnt/directory/filename ,
<3> /mnt/directory/D_filename

Both UV systems can read/write to this file, but only one system will
   be writing to the file, the other will only be reading.I realize locking is
   not respected from one system to another.

If I defined a trigger on this file on the system that will only be doing the
   will it detect any changes to the file when the other UV makes changes?

Basically System1 will be making changes to that file.
And System2 will need to update on it's system based on those changes.

The reason I'm using NFS is that the two UV systems can't interact easily
because they are on different networks, but both have access to the system
which is exporting the UV formatted file.

George Gallen
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Accounting/Data Division
ph:856.848.9005 Ext 220

> The Wyanoke Group
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