Does anyone know if such an animal exists?  Here's the situation:

UniObjects can be incorporated into PHP code via the COM object as long as
you're running PHP via Apache under Windows.  If you're running PHP/Apache
on any other platform, well, you're outta luck as the COM object isn't
supported anywhere but Windows.  Maybe I'm missing something, but I have yet
to see a viable non-windows UO-style PHP connector for U2 from IBM.  (While
there was that DeveloperWorks article talking about writing your own
connector (in C, as I recall) that method uses PDO and I'd much prefer a
UO-type interface.)

So my thinking is that if the unirpc api is documented anywhere, maybe, just
maybe, we could interface to it directly via PHP sockets and create a
UO-style PHP class that gives first-generation U2 access.  Or has anyone
already done this?

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