On Tue, 27 Jan 2009, Norman Bauer wrote:

> Glen,Bill, Ron, and Brian,
> Thanks for the input on this. Glen's way seems to be about the same
> way I am thinking of going about it. And it is proof enough to me that
> it is possible, allthough I am going to probably use LaTex to do the
> markup, it looks nicer. We are running UV on Windows and will be for
> the forseeable future however this would be a great oppertunity to
> intro Linux into the environment. My company is under new managment
> and they were always opposed to the idea, the new managment is looking
> to improve and cut cost.

Although I haven't looked at LaTex for some time (if ever), and it might 
provide a very good solution, let me chime in to reinforce the earlier 
reference to Tony G's description of Print Wizard, our product.

In a nutshell, you could program your UV to output HTML-like page 
descriptions. In fact, much of it could be HTML, although there is some 
HTML we don't support. Conversely, there are things we support that HTML 
doesn't such as specifying:

* Generation of barcodes
* Paper size, orientation, etc.
* Precise placement of text and graphics on the page.
* Form overlays
* and more.

The output of Print Wizard can go to:

* Any Windows-supported printer
* Windows-only printers
* Fax

When you generate a PDF, you can also:

* Create a table of contents
* Attach other documents
* Create internal or external links
* Certify the document
* Email it, interactively, semi-interactively, or automatically

We're talking $300.

....Bob Rasmussen,   President,   Rasmussen Software, Inc.

personal e-mail: r...@anzio.com
 company e-mail: r...@anzio.com
          voice: (US) 503-624-0360 (9:00-6:00 Pacific Time)
            fax: (US) 503-624-0760
            web: http://www.anzio.com
 street address: Rasmussen Software, Inc.
                 10240 SW Nimbus, Suite L9
                 Portland, OR  97223  USA
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