Where ?

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Sent: 19 February 2009 21:51
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] Leaving U2 World to the Dark Side (SQL)

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--- On Thu, 2/19/09, Tony G <1tlx6h...@sneakemail.com> wrote:

From: Tony G <1tlx6h...@sneakemail.com>
Subject: RE: [U2] Leaving U2 World to the Dark Side (SQL)
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 3:55 PM

Don Verhagen wrote
> I have accepted an Application Development management 
> position with a company here in the Philadelphia area. 
> However, they are not a U2 shop.  I view this 
> opportunity as a chance to build my skills in and 
> around the .NET platform and evaluate the use MSSQL in 
> a true business application that I myself have built 
> on a U2 platform in a previous time.
> While this doesn't exclusively rule out U2 in the 
> future, for now, I'll be in SQL-land.

Don - good luck to you.

I expect you will find a couple clear differences and it would be
nice if you could come back and share the experience with us
after you've been at it a while:

In the rest of the world it's much easier to simply plug a
relational database into a project and make use of it through
code.  Tables as easily visible in trees in popular IDEs.
Schemas easily become classes, and stored procedures become
methods in a manner which is very elegant and compelling.  I've
tried to introduce MV developers to this luxury but so far there
has been little interest:

Yes, it's easy to get access to those relational table features
but actually defining them on the front-end and maintaining them
can be a pain.  For data there is usually a need to normalize
data, which is a constant bump in the road for those of us who
enjoy multivalues and delimited fields.  Of course data typing is
an ongoing concern but personally I find strong data types to be
helpful.  And stored procedures can be a real pain.  With SQL
Server you at least now have the option to define SProcs with
"real" code rather than as a stream of queries.  A common code
language is nice but the equivalent structure for us would be to
write entire applications with code in data dictionaries or
executed as triggers.  So the code itself is better to work with
but the location and flow of code is very different than our MV

I think you'll find that working in a non-MV shop you'll find a
lot of things easier and less thinking from "inside the box" -
but you'll probably also find yourself longing for those other
things that you know are easier in MV.  :)  

Best wishes,

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
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