> We have two phantom processes.  The first phantom needs to wait for an 
> to occur with the second phantom.  I realize that I could have the first
> phantom loop, check, then sleep.  However, I'd like to avoid wasting
> resources.  Back on the Prime, I could use semaphores, to control this 
> and this was clean, and simple.  Has anyone come across a means of 
having a
> phantom wait on "something", so it only wakes up when it needs to 
perform its
> function?

If you use the LOCK command (e.g.: LOCK 17) you're using semaphores.  Does 
that suit your needs?

If you're on UniData, you may want to take a look at PAUSE and WAKE.  It 
gives you a way for a process to go to sleep, allowing another process to 
wake it up.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist
U2 Lab Services
Information Management, IBM Software Group
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