We have a network with several Windows development machines on it.  UniData
   is  on  one  machine and our Web server is on another machine.  Our UD
   environment is set up so that only the administrator (me) has access to
   everything.  We have three additional groups:
   UniData  has  access to every directory where UniData is involved.  In
   addition, appusers have full access to their local account directories and
   developers have access to the application directory.  However, both appusers
   and developers have only read and execute privileges to the application
   software account.  This way, they can use the software but can't modify it
   at all (developers develop on a development account).
   The problem I have is developers use UO connections to develop and when
   something goes wrong they need to kill the connection.  UD requires only
   administrators have access to the "deleteuser" and "stopudt" commands.
   Thus, if a developer has done something that is create ever-expanding log
   (or como) files they need to be able to kill the connection.  If I give them
   administrator privileges they have access to the entire machine.
   I tried to remove administrator privileges from our development account but
   then  I couldn't log into a development account within our development
   directory.  I tried to make numerous modifications to the permissions but
   could do nothing unless administrator privileges were implemented to our
   development environment, even though "developers" had full control of the
   entire development directory and I was a member of the "developers" group.
   Go figure...
   Does anyone have a clue how I can give someone administrator access to
   UniData commands but deny them write privileges to the source code in our
   application directory?
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