There's a simple answer to *that* question.
Having used AIX, HPUX, DGUX, SCO, Interactive, SunOS, Solaris, Linux and
Windows, as well as a plethora of different languages and frameworks.. the
best technology is whatever I'm being PAID to work on at the time :)


[] On Behalf Of jpb-u2ug
Sent: 02 June 2009 15:31
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] [u2u] UV on Windows question

I really didn't want the question of the differences in administration of
Universe to turn into a Unix vs Windows battle. 


Jerry Banker


Ps: However if you want to then "bring it on".:-) On the community list.


[] On Behalf Of Symeon Breen
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 3:07 AM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] [u2u] UV on Windows question


"It is the rated by the experts as the best of the systems,"


What experts ?


"The first reason is that Unix systems are not susceptible by Windows


A protected windows server would not be either - we are not talking desktops
here with users surfing the internet all day.








From: Dave R [] 
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [u2u] UV on Windows question


Unix has it's own set of administration tools different the windows
administration tools, I don't believe they require about the same knowledge
to use, if you are a windows engineer you would like a windows platform and
if you are a Unix engineer you would prefer Unix.

Even thought I use a Windows platform I prefer Unix systems as a platform
for a Multi-Value system.  If you want to purchase a new system then I would
go to Reality (contact Northgate-IS, John Semen or Mark Pick). It is the
rated by the experts as the best of the systems, Unidata would be next, and
UniVerse would be 3rd.  

The first reason is that Unix systems are not susceptible by Windows
viruses.  The second reason is security, Most windows hackers are complete
lost in UNIX.  The Unix systems are more robust.  The file management is
improved in Unix and 

The Unix OS was designed for multi users and by mainframe software engineers
who have a far more knowledge of multi user environments.  

Most companies hire windows network engineers and they don't like the idea
of Unix platforms. However most large companies run Unix or Aix or Hpux for
the platform for Reality or U2.

Some other considerations would be if you are coming from a different
Multi-Value package like Pick D2 or mvBase, Reality and UniVerse have
switches to creating an environment to run that flavor of Multi-Value,
requiring little to no conversion of the software and database.  A big cost
factor in the conversion.


Dave R. 949 757 8519 (work) 

eFax (815)4259364

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "JPB-U2UG" <>
To: <>
Subject: [u2u] UV on Windows question
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 16:00:37 -0500

I've never worked with UV on Windows so I would like to know, apart from the
obvious differences of the operating system, is there much difference in
administering the database in Windows as compared to Linux/Unix.

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