Thanks to the generosity of Larry Hiscock, we are on a spanking new lister server (hardware & software).

For the benefit of new members of the lists, the following rules are in effect:

  1. Courtesy is key.
  2. Some users have limits on their mailboxes, have limits on the
     speed of their connections, or read from the digests. In all of
     these cases, quoting the entire chain of posts in your post can be
     harmful to them. Please limit the quoting to just the part needed
     to understand your response.
  3. If you have a stake in the answer, i.e. it is your commercial or
     open source project, or any other vested interest, please mark
     your comments with [AD] brackets [/AD].
  4. If you are reading us through Mail-Index, GMane, Nabble, or any
     other service, please join up before you post or your posts will
     BOUNCE. This is a moderated list, you must sign up to post.
     Details are here:

   - Charles Barouch
  One of the Moderators
U2-Users mailing list

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