> UniData has a 2 gig limit on hashed files.  What is the exact limit?
> Is it really 2,147,483,648 (2**32)or is "2 gig" a loose term.  What 
> is the true "threat" level?  Is it truly 2**31, or is it something else?
> We will need to do something soon, but how soon is what I am trying 
> to determine.

The problem occurs within a few bytes of 2**31, depending on the block 
size and a few other things.  Actually, it's the write that causes the 
block offset to go over 2**31.

Be aware that, if you're anywhere close to 2 GB, you may be closer to 
going over the top than you realize.  If you have a nice, sequential key, 
it's quite possible that the file size could double rather quickly as all 
of the groups go into overflow in rapid fashion.  Once you go over, writes 
will begin to fail, and data loss is imminent.

When I see a file approaching 1 GB, I start thinking about converting it 
to dynamic.  When it's at about 1.5 GB, I consider it time to convert it 
at the next available opportunity.  If you're at the point that you're 
worried about the difference between 2*10**9 and 2**31, I suggest that 
you're close enough to warrant action rather soon.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist
U2 Lab Services
Information Management, IBM Software Group
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