From the Rocket website:

Legacy Product Support
In addition to new OEM software ventures, Rocket engages in maintenance and support contracts for existing products to assure long term support for key legacy markets. Legacy product support can often represent a distraction to OEM players that are striving to achieve market dominance in new segments, or simply trying to control costs. Rocket takes complete ownership of the legacy product, from maintenance releases to customer service, ensuring that there is no interruption in service for the end customers.

I guess that says it all

Symeon Breen wrote:
Well what a fine thing to wake up to this morning,  I agree with many
statements here - the IBM name gave it a lot of credibility, tho I persisted
with u2 because of (in my opinion) superior functionality compared to other
mv databases. The IBM name was even something i could hide behind when asked
what database do you run on, (you can see them expecting oracle or sql
server) and i just say IBM, that was fine. Rocket ? never heard of them
personally - i will have to do some research, it would be interesting to
know their structure in terms of funding to purchase u2, what they see is in
it for them, how they managed other acquisitions etc. Good to see the
management team are still in place, it gives a continuity, as to will they
be more successful in driving through what they want to achieve with the
rocket board remains to be seen tho ...


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