You can rename the COMO entry to something else like hiddencomocommand then
when they start the command line (e..g either in the login paragraph or the
process that escaped them out of your menu) do hiddencomocommand ON.   COMO
OFF will then not do anything.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 23 October 2009 09:52
Subject: [U2] Command logging in Universe 10.2.1

Hi all,

We are using Universe 10.2.1 to run a Life Insurance application and we use
the UV command line to carry out various database administration tasks. All
other access is via the application, where all transactions are recorded to
an audit trail. We have the auditors in at the moment and they are very
interested in having a compulsory tracing of the command line sessions
logged  as if a COMO ON was issued as the first command however I don't
know of any way to make this mandatory, i.e. not allow COMO OFF. Does any
one know any better.

Many thanks for any help.

Brian Parker

Systems Manager
Nemian Life and Pensions SA

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