
The wiki is open to all to restructure. I haven't (deliberately) given it a
category structure: that's up to the contributors. Wiki's are anarchic and
anyone is free to change them (within the normal bounds of decency). That's
how they work :)

To add your page to the wiki, simply edit the page from which you want it
linked, and add a link in the form of [[Your Page Title]]. There is a test
page where you can play if you want to try it out first.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
Sent: 27 October 2009 22:09
To: U2 Mail List
Subject: [U2] Wiki

I've been trying to add something to the U2 wiki but am unable to get the
document located in the correct category within the wiki.  I've read the
instructions but they're of little help.  Editing other pages don't help
either.  Looking up the wiki markups on the internet doesn't help much.

When looking at the wiki structure I see it seems to be out of structure,
which means others are having similar problems.  It was easy to add a page
but nearly impossible to properly insert it into the category structure of
the wiki.

Any help would be appreciated.


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  • [U2] Wiki Bill Haskett
    • Re: [U2] Wiki Brian Leach

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