
high byte order vs low byte order.


It has been a really long time and my memory isn't what it was but, you may
want to look at putting something like zip onto the machines and compiling
(if your version doesn't have it already).  Then just zip up your data and
move it to the new system and unzip.

The other thing that may work is to do a tar of everything.  After you move
the file to the new system, but, before you try to extract using tar, I
think you may be able to do something like "dd if=[name of input file]
of=[name of output file] conv=swab" You will need at least twice the disk
space of the file free after you copy over the source (one for the temp
build and one for the output file).

I also seem to recall that one of these options doesn't work well with empty
directories and in both cases, be careful of filenames that are the same
except for casing.  Eg. SAVEDLISTS and savedlists (was changed at some level
because of this issue I believe).

I hope this helps even though it's sketchy (wow - I wish I could pop in some
extra flash memory or have a better index of what is buried inside ;-)  If
you get close with this info, you can contact me online or offline as more
information on what happens may jar my memory some more.

Best regards,


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