The documentation states to assign a value to variable @RECORD first
otherwise the code will fail.
So instead of "read REC from CONF,KEY then" try "read @RECORD from
CONF,KEY then"

Karl Pearson wrote:
> I have a client who would like to use the uniVerse ITYPE function but
> the HELP (HELP BASIC ITYPE) documentation is wrong.
> For example, here's a sample piece of code, which duplicates the HELP
> code sample:
>  6       DONE = 0
>  7
>  8       open "DICT","CONF" to D.CONF else stopm "No DICT CONF file"
>  9       read DICT.ITYPE from D.CONF,"F01" else DICT.ITYPE = 'Not Found'
> 10
> 11       open "CONF" to CONF else stopm "No DICT CONF file"
> 12       select CONF
> 13
> 14       loop
> 15          readnext KEY else DONE = 1
> 16       until DONE do
> 17          read REC from CONF,KEY then
> 18             print KEY:' has CustNO': ITYPE(DICT.ITYPE)
> 19             print "stop? "
> 20             input ANS,1
> 21             if upcase(ANS) = 'Y' then stop
> 22          end
> 23       repeat
> 24    end
> Executing this code results in this error:
> "Line 18, ITYPE called with bad data item"
> Any thoughts?
> TIA,
> ---
> Karl Pearson
> Owner/Administrator of the sites at
> ---
> "To mess up your Linux PC, you have to really work at it;
>  to mess up a microsoft PC you just have to work on it."
> ---
>  Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have
>  for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
>  --Benjamin Franklin
> ---
>  Prayer for Obama, et al: (~)
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